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Archive for the ‘Blogging’ Category

Phone Blogging – Phlogging

Just like a Web Blog became known as a “blog”, now a Phone Blog is known as a “Phlog” and it is the patent-pending creation of

Like most great inventions it was created out of necessity by the guys at who were capturing the results of a live sports event to publish onto a client’s website …

“ipadio came about after Nemisys built several sites displaying live results from sports events. However uploading data into web forms, e-mail or text message dampened the excitement of sport and live broadcasting from events was often too pricey, with expensive people, connections and specialised kit.

It was whilst one particular competition was being displayed online using a scrolling chat method that the founders of ipadio (who were talking on their mobile phones about the challenge) wondered why it wasn’t a simple task to stream audio from a telephone though a website in realtime.  A year of development and one filed patent later (GB0820862.1) ipadio was born.”


Radio station from ipadio

“ipadio makes running a radio station as simple as making a phone call.  The radio product offers multiple channels so that organisations can group their broadcasts accordingly.  If you want your members or stakeholders to create programmes for you – then all they need is a telephone – and could do this from where ever they are in the world, from whatever phone they have access to.”

Phlogging, a blog by phone

No more dreary typing up of your blogs – you speak, they listen, they ask, you answer!

Phlogging brings you all the functionality of a standard blog but with the delivery method being via your phone not your keyboard.

This means you can blog on the road, in a train, up a mountain or on the ocean. It’s reckoned that 60% of the Worlds population now have a mobile phone – which is all you need to have a good phlog.”

Data Gathering from organisations, clubs & societies

“If knowledge is power then information is the foundation of both. Collecting and collating data from organisations operating remotely can be tough and can be time consuming, employees in the field waste huge amounts of time typing up and uploading their activities – why not just use a phone call?

Many organisations have agents in the field that spend time with clients or customers and collect data from them.”

Reviews & Rough guides – make them live

“If your organisation wants to collect reviews about products or services – then ipadio gives you instant feedback – perhaps you’re interested in restaurant reviews, hotel reviews or simply want users to express their opinion on your products and services – then ipadio lets you do that.”

Disability and ipadio

“…committed to breaking down data barriers – ipadio is a major leveller on the information playing field! Speak and be heard. All the reach of the web without needing a computer!

ipadio can help to bridge some of these gaps by giving voice – quite literally – to disabled people and allowing them to broadcast their experiences directly from their own homes. This might be via ipadio’s radio offering or it might be news and reviews from disabled people to disabled people.

One really good example would be for those offering services to blind users to make their information available directly via an audio broadcast. ipadio is not just about live streaming – once a stream has been recorded ipadio keeps an archive of that broadcast as an MP3 which could be downloaded as a podcast. Let’s say a really good coffee making machine has been launched but the instructions are not available as Braille or as a recording – it only takes few minutes to read those instructions out and thousands of users suddenly have what they need for the ideal espresso!

Travelog from ipadio

“Up a mountain, in a desert, on a river, on the ocean waves and want to share with others – then use a mash up of Google maps and ipadio to broadcast your very own travelog. 

There are just some places that you can’t take a computer – they don’t generally like sea water, sand, fish and they don’t work well when you’re wearing gloves or up to your waist in snow.

But if you have a phone – bingo you’re back online phonecasting!  ipadio can be useful with travelogs of whatever kind.  We’re presently working with a disability charity who are doing a sponsored walk from Lands End to John-o-Groats – the walking team will be able to phlog everyday far more easily that blog.  Not only that but linked to a Google map and we have a full travelog – live and online.”

So, what do you think and how could you use ipadio to improve your productivity?

Try ipadio without registering


“For an immediate demonstration of ipadio with no need to register you can hear yourself talking on this page, just by dialling in and speaking.  This live demonstration is the easiest way we can find to show you how any telephone can now talk directly to the web, but your calls don’t have to go out live once you have an ipadio account.”


1. Turn your speakers on.

2. Call +44 (0)203 384 2144, a normal UK local rate number.

3. Then when asked for your pin enter 7881, and talk. 

 Then in a few seconds – you’ll hear yourself!